NOTE: I use the words “gifted” and “genius” in the place of “extremely sensitive” and “so extremely sensitive that there are not too many of them in this world.” I believe these definitions work better than the results of IQ tests because there is much more to these people than their intellectual overexcitability.
“It is strange to be known so universally and yet to be so lonely.”
- Albert Einstein
Being born into the one percent of the population that is extremely sensitive not only comes with many great advantages, but also many challenging difficulties.
One of the most challenging difficulties experienced by gifted individuals and geniuses is loneliness.
[ Russell Crowe as John Forbes Nash in "A Beautiful Mind"
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NOTE: I use the words “gifted” and “genius” in the place of “extremely sensitive” and “so extremely sensitive that there are not too many of them in this world.” I believe these definitions work better than the results of IQ tests because there is much more to these people than their intellectual overexcitability.
“It is strange to be known so universally and yet to be so lonely.”
- Albert Einstein
Being born into the one percent of the population that is extremely sensitive not only comes with many great advantages, but also many challenging difficulties.
One of the most challenging difficulties experienced by gifted individuals and geniuses is loneliness.
[ Russell Crowe as John Forbes Nash in "A Beautiful Mind"
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