Πέμπτη 19 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013

Τα τεστ νοημοσύνης μπορεί να δώσουν αυτοπεποίθηση

The Intelligence Tests That Explained My Fs

When I Was 15, I Got a 39-Page Report On My Cognition. It Helped.

The Intelligence Tests That Explained My Fs

One chilly morning in December 1999, an elderly woman showed up in my kindergarten class at my elementary school and told my teacher I was needed for a private conference. My pulse quickened and my classmates stared. The lady took me to a dark office, handed me two Barbie dolls, and instructed me to play with them. I was too anxious to say anything to her, but I followed her instructions. I believe I had the dolls discuss a possible road trip up the West Coast.
Years later, I learned that my extreme shyness and classroom anxiety had worried my teachers enough to recommend I be tested for developmental problems. I suppose the lady with the dolls didn’t find anything too alarming—I didn’t rip the heads off the Barbies, and I managed to maintain some level of eye contact—but being selected for such a test was an early indicator that I was different from my classmates.

(Πλήρες Άρθρο)


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